This dataset contains a false color aerial image mosaic of the City of Melbourne municipal area. False color images render the scene in other colors not seen by the human eye. It is used for the interpretation of natural resources.
The red tone of the aerial image is associated with live vegetation. Intense reds indicate vegetation which is growing vigorously and quite dense. This image is contains embedded georeferenced information.
Capture Information:
- Capture Date: 2nd/3rd February 2019
- Capture Pixel Size: 5cm
- Map Projection: MGA Zone 55 (MGA55)
Additional technical information:
ArborCarbon collected high resolution multispectral imagery using the ArborCam, a unique 11-band airborne multispectral camera system optimized for the accurate detection of vegetation and subtle changes in vegetation condition. ArborCarbon have used this multispectral image to create this seamless 20cm false-colour composite showing variation in vegetation condition.
The multispectral imagery was acquired at 8,000ft above ground level over the City of Melbourne under cloudless conditions between 09:45 and 12:45 on 2nd and 3rd February 2019.
Imagery was acquired with the ArborCam system with a ground sample distance ranging from 6 cm/pixel to 25 cm/pixel dependent on the band. Imagery was comprised of 3 broad bands in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, and an additional 7 narrow-bands strategically positioned in the visible and near infra-red regions to detect subtle variations and changes in vegetation condition.
Preview Image:
See an example image showing the data quality of the aerial.